It's possible that I have lost my mind. We all have our idiosyncrasies. I know I'm not alone in this; I have seen it. Some of us always wear red to business meetings; only read audiobooks or in one certain chair and with pencil, not a pen, in mouth; put the toothbrush on the right-most hook, even when there are never used hooks; must have the toilet roll facing the same way; check the stove twice before leaving the house; whatever it may be. There are some things that make me a little weird and I'm okay with that. I revel in my little bit of weirdness. It makes me unique, one-of-a-kind, it makes me "me." And I love "me." One friend told me I am the most courageous person she knows. Others have told me that they admire me for my ability to try to do (and sometimes succeed in) things no one else would try to do. I am good with this. I am even good with the not-as-desired parts of me, like the night person me who has a hell of a time getting up, is forever in a rush, and sometimes leaves the house with no makeup and maybe even spilled dog water on her pants because she has no time to change; or the me who has way more projects than time; and even the me whose house gets cluttered because I only want to do the things I enjoy and then don't have the energy to put everything away (I admit, I am a piler-but I am not dirty, big difference). I especially love the continually learning me, the adrenaline junkie me, and the me that will try anything that has to do with adventure and travel and doing new, different or difficult things. I love the me that will wholeheartedly jump in with both feet.
I have bungee-jumped, walked on fire, hiked the Incan Trail, moved away from everyone and everthing I knew and still love, walked the 3-day breast cancer walk, and have run in the rain and gotten soaking wet just for fun, giggling in joy the whole time. There are many more things I have done that many people wouldn't do. But this time I may have actually lost my mind. I am going to try something crazy and wild and totally something I would do. I am going to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Yep, 30 days. I am committed. Maybe I am committable. I am going to NaNoWriMo; National Novel Writing Month is November every year. This year I am joining the thousands of other insane people around the world who endeavor to do this crazy noveling thing. I am taking the month of November off from everything but the novel and my business. It will be the only way I can write 1700, minimum, words a day...every day. My biggest challenge will be keeping it up during four days in San Francisco. I am going to a business women's retreat/workshop.
I have a great story of adventure and thrills with some love and self-discovery thrown in. I can only hope to do it justice. My goal is to have a workable draft at the end of the thirty days. I have a basic outline prepared and am excited to start writing. The story is about a woman I dreamed up during my daily writing practice. I am so in love with this character I can't wait to tell her story. I have been writing about her for months, but have stopped writing about her the past few weeks since I made my decision, other than the outline and some notes. I don't want to start writing the book ahead of time. I want to do the true challenge. Cara is inside me, she is part and part of me, she is the crazy me that would do this write-a-novel-in-a-month thing. We are quite a bit alike, and yet we are not.
I am still doing my daily writing practice and have discovered another story to write. It is a time-travel story about the "evils" of, and the addiction to, technology. I don't have the same passion for this story yet, but it is growing and it will be told.
I am still working on my non-fiction book about fibromyalgia, which is nearly complete, except for some interviews, photos and editing. I have started on the workbook that will accompany the main book, too. I feel like there is a bit more to add. I still need to hear more from other people to know what they want to know, and how they deal with fibromyalgia. Ah, more craziness has shown its face. I work on a gazillion projects at once. I have the writing projects, the knitting projects (currently, five), the embroidery (two of those), the scrapbooking, the etc. etc. LOL I guess I haven't really lost my mind at all!
I am excited to take on this challenge! I thank you all for your support of this and the rest of my craziness, good and "bad."
Cheers, blessings and only good crazies to you all!
P.S. Just so I don't feel so nuts, leave a comment about your own craziness. Please?