I used to do the mental exercise of writing a haiku a day, but stopped doing it, for some reason. (Plus, I misplaced the really cool journal I wrote them in!) I was thinking I'd start doing that again and a great time to do it would be after my morning meditation. I also thought that doing a blog post every day with my haiku would be a good way to keep me accountable and share something with others. So.....enjoy today's haiku.
Crystals form prisms
Under the bright sunlight gleams
New snow so pristine
As you might guess, there is snow where I live. Actually, there is lots of it! (I am on the north shore of Lake Tahoe.) Today was very sunny and when the sun shines on an expanse of new snow, it is like someone threw buckets of multi-colored glitter as far as the eye can see. It is so beautiful I could look at it for hours.
Everything is going well with me. I'm feeling pretty good and have been exercising a great deal. It's been working; I've gotten into some smaller clothes. I love shopping in my closet!
I've started a new website for book reviews. Please see the submission guidelines page and send me some reviews! None are posted right now, but by the middle of next week there should be some ready to view. The site is at http://www.bookreviewvillage.com. Let me know what you think! My friend, Bruce, is a web designer and has been working on this new website, as well as my Awareness Village site. He's really good! Check out his web design site by clicking here. (He's also a great photographer and sells his work online and in galleries/art shows in the Reno area. Check out his photos by clicking here.)
It's been great chatting with you! Have a wonderful evening and I'll "see" you all tomorrow.
In gassho,
P.S. This is me in December 2008 with Roscoe, my little piggie. He turned 3 years old in December, 2008, and still acts like a little pup (that's what baby guinea pigs are called).

This is me last week. I had to go to an awards luncheon to accept a grant I'd applied for (for my job at the non-profit). My dimples are coming back!

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