Let's start out with today's haiku. When I arrived at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, I immediately heard animals. They were wild turkeys, their feathers spread out wide. Gobblegobblegobble is how they actually sound. It should have been Thanksgiving! It was absolutely beautiful. Later that day, I went hiking in the forest and was blessed by the presence of lots of green moss in the shadows, wildflowers, including wild iris in the sun.
Path through green forest
Moss, animals, wildflowers
Blue sky, clouds above

I saw Ajahn Amaro speak. He was sooooo funny! I would consider him a Buddhist stand-up comedian! He talked about spring and the season for moving forward, new beginnings, being inspired about your goals, that type of thing. We did a few hours total of meditation, including some walking meditation, outside in the sun and cool, spring breeze. It was beautiful and just what I needed.
Ajahn Amaro had instructions for walking meditation. Basically, pick 25 or 30 yards of flat ground and go back and forth and not to choose a path that would cross anyone else's. Simple enough. I had two issues that affected my ability to get into a meditative state of mind. The first was that I had a difficult time not thinking about how far I had to get to the end of my path where I would turn around and anticipating getting there and turning around. That's not being mindful of the present, obviously, just of the future. The second one was that I was judgmental of others who were not following Ajahn's instructions. Outside the hall where we were listening to the talk, and where we were doing our walking meditation, is a large circular path with a big meadow in the center, with some other paths and nice, clear spots for walking in the area. One person, in particular was really getting under my skin. I chose a nice place at the bottom of the circular path, at a nice clearing. This woman chose to walk the circular path, instead of walking a straight path and turning around. When she approached the bottom of the circular path, on the edge of the clearing I was walking, she got in my way, every time, and I had to move for her! Someone not following instructions! AAAAAHHHH!!!! CLEARLY, I have some control issues. That's the thing about meditating, and especially when meditating with a group of others. Meditation puts all your issues right in front of your face where you can't deny them. Sometimes that's okay, sometimes it's just annoying! But, it's one reason I'm a Buddhist. I get to learn about myself and learn to be a better person over time.
Ajahn Amaro will be back on June 20 for a talk for the Summer season. I'll be there! I probably won't have my control issues solved before then, though. LOL
I stayed in a really nice hotel. (The Embassy Suites in San Rafael, California.) I didn't get back to the fitness room, but did get a chance to do some yoga and other exercises. I am so pleased with my increasing level of fitness, and am still excited about being on the elliptical for so long Friday night. Getting back into running is seeming like more of a reality every day. In fact, my trainer and I will be taking my cardio workouts outside starting next week. I'm looking forward to it!
Today I started a weekly blog on yoga philosophy, starting with the 8-limbed path. See the Awareness Village Blog noted on the right-hand sidebar of this blog. For those of you who don't know, Awareness Village Yoga and Meditation Center is my business, where I teach yoga and meditation. I hope you enjoy it!
I hope you are having a great evening and I will check in with you all tomorrow.
In gassho,
P.S. April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month. Please donate to the ASPCA by clicking on the banner below. Animal abusers need to be punished, to the fullest extent, in accordance with the law. Your donation will help the ASPCA arrest and punish abusers, and provide care for abused animals so they may be adopted out to loving homes.

Path through green forest
Moss, animals, wildflowers
Blue sky, clouds above

I saw Ajahn Amaro speak. He was sooooo funny! I would consider him a Buddhist stand-up comedian! He talked about spring and the season for moving forward, new beginnings, being inspired about your goals, that type of thing. We did a few hours total of meditation, including some walking meditation, outside in the sun and cool, spring breeze. It was beautiful and just what I needed.
Ajahn Amaro had instructions for walking meditation. Basically, pick 25 or 30 yards of flat ground and go back and forth and not to choose a path that would cross anyone else's. Simple enough. I had two issues that affected my ability to get into a meditative state of mind. The first was that I had a difficult time not thinking about how far I had to get to the end of my path where I would turn around and anticipating getting there and turning around. That's not being mindful of the present, obviously, just of the future. The second one was that I was judgmental of others who were not following Ajahn's instructions. Outside the hall where we were listening to the talk, and where we were doing our walking meditation, is a large circular path with a big meadow in the center, with some other paths and nice, clear spots for walking in the area. One person, in particular was really getting under my skin. I chose a nice place at the bottom of the circular path, at a nice clearing. This woman chose to walk the circular path, instead of walking a straight path and turning around. When she approached the bottom of the circular path, on the edge of the clearing I was walking, she got in my way, every time, and I had to move for her! Someone not following instructions! AAAAAHHHH!!!! CLEARLY, I have some control issues. That's the thing about meditating, and especially when meditating with a group of others. Meditation puts all your issues right in front of your face where you can't deny them. Sometimes that's okay, sometimes it's just annoying! But, it's one reason I'm a Buddhist. I get to learn about myself and learn to be a better person over time.
Ajahn Amaro will be back on June 20 for a talk for the Summer season. I'll be there! I probably won't have my control issues solved before then, though. LOL
I stayed in a really nice hotel. (The Embassy Suites in San Rafael, California.) I didn't get back to the fitness room, but did get a chance to do some yoga and other exercises. I am so pleased with my increasing level of fitness, and am still excited about being on the elliptical for so long Friday night. Getting back into running is seeming like more of a reality every day. In fact, my trainer and I will be taking my cardio workouts outside starting next week. I'm looking forward to it!
Today I started a weekly blog on yoga philosophy, starting with the 8-limbed path. See the Awareness Village Blog noted on the right-hand sidebar of this blog. For those of you who don't know, Awareness Village Yoga and Meditation Center is my business, where I teach yoga and meditation. I hope you enjoy it!
I hope you are having a great evening and I will check in with you all tomorrow.
In gassho,
P.S. April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month. Please donate to the ASPCA by clicking on the banner below. Animal abusers need to be punished, to the fullest extent, in accordance with the law. Your donation will help the ASPCA arrest and punish abusers, and provide care for abused animals so they may be adopted out to loving homes.
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