You may notice I like to title my blogs with a reference to a song title or lyrics. Today's song is Busy Being Fabulous by the Eagles. Love the song and the title was too good to pass up today. Click here to watch the video.
I've had a fabulous day, sitting on the deck in an Adirondack chair, next to the creek with my laptop and a glass of raspberry tea, just busily working away on work projects. I like to do that this time of year. It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day until about a half hour ago when some clouds came over the sky and a cool breeze started breezing by. It's still a beautiful day, but I'll have to wear a jacket when I go running in a half hour!
So you can experience this joy with me, here is a photo of my deck from last year. I don't have one from this year, though I just put out flowers and will take photos soon. I will post one of the creek when I take one, as well.

The other day I signed up to do a 5k, the first one I've ever done! I'm really, really excited. I haven't been able to find anyone who can go to Sacramento (where the race is) with me that weekend, but I'm sure I will be able to get someone to take a pic of me while I'm there. Click here to know more.
WooHoo the sun just came out! So, here is a spur of the moment haiku.
The creek runs past me
Babbling, running, singing song
Melted mountain snow
I've had some really nice meditations lately. They've been very mellow and it's been easy for me to get to a good head-space. When I'm in the midst of such a place in my meditation practice it can be easy to take it for granted. But, I'm feeling very grateful. I was reminded of a quote I read recently by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche from his book Creation and Completion. "Everything depends upon your mind." For any of us who enjoy delving into spiritual or self-help topics, or who appreciate introspection, that is hardly a new revelation. But sometimes I forget that whenever I get something of value, it is usually because I've done something to bring it about. Of course, sometimes I just get lucky. And then there is the fact that when I don't get what I want I've probably done something to bring about THAT result! So,when it comes down to it, it's all a matter of accepting my own responsibility, for the good and the not-so-good. It all starts in my mind and snowballs from there. (Picture me making a mental note to be extra vigilant in watching my mind. Can you hear the wheels turning??? LOL)
I had the opportunity to introduce a new meditator to the practice a few days ago. It was an honor to be there to help him out and set him on a useful path.
Night before last I was in Reno at the Whole Foods store. I bought the coolest thing, a hanging basket with a trailing tomato plant, a basil plant and a parsley plant! I hung it in the roof eave, over my deck. I'm so excited because the bunnies and squirrels eat everything you plant unless it is already established, and sometimes they eat that, too, or it is out of reach, aka hanging up. The tomato plant is flowering, so I look forward to fresh, 2" tomatoes.
Before I went to Whole Foods, I bought some new running shoes that are so comfortable I feel like flying and running faster than my heart rate zone will allow me. My trainer, Norman, has to hold me back, reminding me that when I go out of my training zone I burn calories but I don't burn as much fat. I'm really loving having good shoes! I also went to a singles potluck. It was a nice time with nice people, good food and we played board games after we ate. A good time was had by all.
Well, it's time for me to get ready to meet Tina, my running partner. I hope you had as nice a day as I did, and that tomorrow is even better.
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