Hello Friends,
Today was a WONDERFUL day! George, Sarge and I passed out and posted flyers for my upcoming Kids Yoga classes, then went hiking on the Emigrant Trail off Highway 89, and took a drive down Historic US Highway 40 from Truckee to Soda Springs. It was a beautiful day for being out in nature. We saw a plethora of different types of wildflowers. Just beautiful! I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
When we started out this morning, I was going to show George my favorite trail, Pacific Crest, from the trailhead near Borreal off I-80 East of Auburn. When we got there, we found that the trail still had more than a foot of snow covering it, and it was pretty cool out. That is how we ended up at the Emigrant Trail, and what a fabulous experience that was! Sarge, George's little dog (part Llasa Apso and part miniature chihuahua), had a great time, too, running ahead of us on the trail trying to pee on every plant and rock in and off his path. LOL He is now very tired and sleeping like a log. Here's a photo George just took of 8 pounds of love lying on the couch, completely oblivious to the world.

Isn't it cool how sometimes you plan something that doesn't work out and you do something else just as, or even more, enjoyable? I could have just been bummed out that we didn't get to do what I had planned, but how much fun would we have had then? But don't you know people like that? If it doesn't work out how they planned they just can't have fun for the rest of the day? Or maybe even the week? I know people like that and I feel sorry for them. (Well, sort of...it's their own silly fault for being a control freak buzkill. LOL) I wonder how they get any enjoyment at all out of life.
The thought of being a control freak buzkill, and the consequences of same, is a near-perfect segue into the meaning behind my impromptu, open up the book somewhere in the middle, reading in the book "More Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations" edited by Josh Bartok. This quote is by Jean Smith from "Now! The Art of Being Truly Present."
No matter how "noble" or "justified" our negative emotions may seem, we must acknowledge that indulging them merely plants the karmic seeds for later pain.
Basically, I look at this and think that whenever we are in a bad mood or feeling crappy, angry, sad, etc., no matter what someone else did or said, or what circumstances befall us in our lives, we are going to pay for our bad attitude. At the very least, we will suffer the bad mood or the crappy feeling or the anger, or sadness, etc. That is bad enough! Why then do we extend the bad feelings ad nauseam? Why not just feel it only as long as necessary, get over it and let it go? (I'm talking about time periods beyond the emotionally healthy and necessary for processing time. Denying our emotions isn't healthy, either.) Why do some people, and we all know "some people," maybe even us, hold on to bad feelings, sometimes for years? We can literally make ourselves sick by holding onto bad feelings, grudges, regrets, you name it. Talk about "karmic seeds for later pain!" Is your boss so-and-so's snotty comments about your what-not (probably because he is feeling pissy about his own "what-not") worth getting a migraine, an ulcer, or, even worse, an angina attack? HELL NO!
Life is too short to wallow in misery. Life is to be enjoyed and lived! If you have "control issues," learn to be excited about the unexpected. You never know what joy and opportunities abound in the unplanned. The only thing you really have control over is your own attitude, anyway.
Go live your life!!! If you manage to do it with positive emotions, you will create the karmic seeds for later joy!
In joy,
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