Let's face it. Life isn't fair. There are times when life just sucks, no doubt about it! But we can look to the good in life and know that things aren't always shitty and at some point you will smile again, even if things aren't going along swimmingly.
One of the worst times in my life was when I first got fibromyalgia. I. Was. Miserable! Lying in bed all the time because you are too tired and in too much pain to move is more than miserable. I had no pain medication at that time and had no idea for months what was wrong with me. The doctor I had at the time ordered blood test after blood test, $15,000 worth of them. I had no insurance and had to run up the balance on my credit card. I also did not have a steady job. I had been trying to build my life coaching business and had been doing some freelance paralegal work on the side, along with giving some Reiki treatments. I had little money coming in and the work I did have to do was grueling just because I was exhausted and in unrelenting pain. I was scared, too, because the doctor was testing for all kinds of cancers and diseases to find out what was wrong. She wouldn't give me any pain meds because she didn't know what was wrong and she was afraid I would get addicted. I told her I was willing to take the chance, but she let me down, big time!!!
I could have willed myself to death, which I tried off and on when the pain was at its most unbearable, but I kept my wits about me, as difficult as it was. Thinking about better times (i.e. My Favorite Things) and reading Buddhist books about courage and staying in the moment kept me alive, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Now, I am not saying that all you need is optimism and all will be candy and roses. Nope. Sorry. It isn't always easy to change your attitude. I have been in some dark places, the type that need medication. (If you need medication GET IT!) Fibromyalgia and depression go hand in hand, and I had been depressed even before fibro came into my life. I've made friends with depression out of necessity. Chronic pain or illness of any kind is depressing. You can't help but feel it every now and then. What I am saying is that you can enjoy your life more by doing your best to concentrate on the good in your life, right now in this moment. If you can't find any good, think of the past or imagine your happy future. There were days I had to start small. I was grateful because I had clothes to wear and a car. My electricity was on and I had a TV I could watch. I had more than one pair of shoes. We are so much more fortunate than we realize! If you aren't naturally optimistic, or even if you are, begin keeping a gratitude journal to get in the habit of recognizing what you are grateful for each day.

So next time you are at the bottom of a hell hole. Think of your favorite things, sing the song, celebrate the moments in your life, get yourself out of your prison. Find your joy and live it.
'Til next time...What are your favorite things? Tell me about them in the comments below.
My top 10 favorite things, in no particular order:
1. My family and friends (husband and dogs naturally included!)
2. My body (it is AMAZING how it does so much for me!)
3. Being outside and doing outside things like hiking and sitting on a rock in the sun
4. Reading and Writing (too intertwined to not be the same)
5. Reading/learning more about Buddha and Buddhism and applying it to my own life
6. Knitting and other crafts
7. Travel
8. Our RV
9. Ghost hunting
10.The sun and seeing how it lights everything up and feels so nice and warm all at the same time
11. How the seasons change and express themselves (Could not keep it to 10 things!)
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