Friday, October 24, 2014

Have I Finally Lost It?

It's possible that I have lost my mind.  We all have our idiosyncrasies.  I know I'm not alone in this; I have seen it.  Some of us always wear red to business meetings; only read audiobooks or in one certain chair and with pencil, not a pen, in mouth; put the toothbrush on the right-most hook, even when there are never used hooks; must have the toilet roll facing the same way; check the stove twice before leaving the house; whatever it may be. There are some things that make me a little weird and I'm okay with that.  I revel in my little bit of weirdness.  It makes me unique, one-of-a-kind, it makes me "me."  And I love "me."  One friend told me I am the most courageous person she knows.  Others have told me that they admire me for my ability to try to do (and sometimes succeed in) things no one else would try to do.  I am good with this.  I am even good with the not-as-desired parts of me, like the night person me who has a hell of a time getting up, is forever in a rush, and sometimes leaves the house with no makeup and maybe even spilled dog water on her pants because she has no time to change; or the me who has way more projects than time; and even the me whose house gets cluttered because I only want to do the things I enjoy and then don't have the energy to put everything away (I admit, I am a piler-but I am not dirty, big difference).  I especially love the continually learning me, the adrenaline junkie me, and the me that will try anything that has to do with adventure and travel and doing new, different or difficult things.  I love the me that will wholeheartedly jump in with both feet.
I have bungee-jumped, walked on fire, hiked the Incan Trail, moved away from everyone and everthing I knew and still love, walked the 3-day breast cancer walk, and have run in the rain and gotten soaking wet just for fun, giggling in joy the whole time.  There are many more things I have done that many people wouldn't do.  But this time I may have actually lost my mind.  I am going to try something crazy and wild and totally something I would do.  I am going to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  Yep, 30 days.  I am committed.  Maybe I am committable.  I am going to NaNoWriMo; National Novel Writing Month is November every year.  This year I am joining the thousands of other insane people around the world who endeavor to do this crazy noveling thing.   I am taking the month of November off from everything but the novel and my business.  It will be the only way I can write 1700, minimum, words a day...every day.   My biggest challenge will be keeping it up during four days in San Francisco.  I am going to a business women's retreat/workshop.
I have a great story of adventure and thrills with some love and self-discovery thrown in.  I can only hope to do it justice.  My goal is to have a workable draft at the end of the thirty days.  I have a basic outline prepared and am excited to start writing.  The story is about a woman I dreamed up during my daily writing practice.  I am so in love with this character I can't wait to tell her story.  I have been writing about her for months, but have stopped writing about her the past few weeks since I made my decision, other than the outline and some notes.  I don't want to start writing the book ahead of time.  I want to do the true challenge.  Cara is inside me, she is part and part of me, she is the crazy me that would do this write-a-novel-in-a-month thing.  We are quite a bit alike, and yet we are not.
I am still doing my daily writing practice and have discovered another story to write.  It is a time-travel story about the "evils" of, and the addiction to, technology.  I don't have the same passion for this story yet, but it is growing and it will be told.
I am still working on my non-fiction book about fibromyalgia, which is nearly complete, except for some interviews, photos and editing.  I have started on the workbook that will accompany the main book, too.  I feel like there is a bit more to add.  I still need to hear more from other people to know what they want to know, and how they deal with fibromyalgia.  Ah, more craziness has shown its face.  I work on a gazillion projects at once.  I have the writing projects, the knitting projects (currently, five), the embroidery (two of those), the scrapbooking, the etc. etc.  LOL  I guess I haven't really lost my mind at all!
I am excited to take on this challenge!  I thank you all for your support of this and the rest of my craziness, good and "bad."
Cheers, blessings and only good crazies to you all!
P.S. Just so I don't feel so nuts, leave a comment about your own craziness.  Please?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Recognizing Me

Hi Everyone!  I hope this post finds all of you well and happy.  I have been concentrating most of my energy on my business and writing, in many places and for many reasons, my book, blog posts on my different sites, writing prompts and with my writing group.  Mom has been here for nearly three months now, getting her health in order and feeling better.  It has been a good summer, overall.  I will be sad to see it go.  As I do most summers, I don't feel I got in enough hiking or camping.

As many of you know, I am forever on a quest to learn more about myself and others, and investigate what makes people tick.  What is "normal," in whatever way that exists, for myself and other people? I have been reading an interesting book called Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, by Mason Currey, about the rituals and routines of famous artists of different types, writers, composers, painters and the like.  I mostly see similarities among all people, with some definite eccentricities thrown in here and there, and some things I think artists more than others share.

There are some known eccentricities.  Mark Twain designed his own shirts with buttons down the back.  Emily Dickinson only wore white and would not expose her handwriting, having her sister address letters.  Poe wore only black.

Some artists are very disciplined and work(ed) only during specific times or in specific places.  Some are very spontaneous and/or superstitious. Some work best in the early morning, though some get up early and some stay up all night and sleep during the day.  Some are very religious and some not at all.  In this way artists are no different than the rest of the world's population.

Artists enjoy working in their art and many have to work other jobs to support their passion, at least until their passions support them.  I think one who knows his or her passion and is working toward achieving support with that work is a very lucky person.  Toiling away resentfully will never a happy person make.  I don't think everyone can see that work and play can be the same.  I know it can be and there is not much that can compare!  I am living a dream, teaching yoga and meditation and living in a beautiful place.  It will be nice when it becomes more profitable, but I can be patient.

I also see, through the profiles in the book, that many artists, like me, need a great deal of alone time. Though many do enjoy a rich social life, it must be balanced with that alone time.  But, of course, that only makes sense to me.  It is difficult to create a work of art, or to write book or a symphony when one is with others.  It is also difficult for me, and many others, to restore my well in the presence of others with whom I have to engage, even though that doesn't always mean I must be alone. Reading a book or knitting in a somewhat noisy coffeehouse can sometimes work wonders.

I can see myself in many of the artists profiled in the book, but today I read about Tchaikovsky.  I like his compositions, though I know from experience that they aren't the easiest to play on a piano. I like him even more since reading about him.  We kept a similar schedule, starting work at 10:00 a.m. is the best time for me, too.  He wrote about how it felt when he was walking (he walked for two hours every day) and inspiration hit him.  "It would be futile for me to try and express to you in words the boundless bliss of that feeling which envelopes you when the main idea has appeared, and when it begins to take different forms.  You forget everything, you are almost insane, everything inside you trembles and writhes, you scarcely manage to set down sketches, one idea presses upon another."  That, I recognize in me.

May boundless bliss envelope you.

Love and blessings,

Monday, June 23, 2014

Maybe I'm Amazed...

On June 4 I finished a 15 day juice fast. YAAAAY!  There are a few things about this that I still can't believe, things that amaze me about me.  The first thing that amazes me is that I chose such a long fast.  I could have chosen a 3 day, a 5 day, or a 10 day fast.  But no.  I chose the 15 day fast.  The second thing that amazes me is that I did it!  I was almost completely perfect during the fast.  I never cheated and then said to myself that the whole day was blown, nor did I just stop the fast altogether.  That is, perhaps, the most amazing thing of all.  Altogether I lost 13 pounds.  I have kept off all but two of those pounds, and that is after going on vacation!
So, how did I cheat?  They are all related to having taken antibiotics while on the fast.  The antibiotics made me sick to my stomach, very sick.  One day I had two Taco Bell bean burritos without sauce or cheese, just onion, beans and tortilla.  The second and third times I had rice noodles in my clear broth.  The fact that I jumped back onto the plan, without berating myself or thinking all was lost is amazing.  I have never done that before!
There are also situations where I amazed myself by saying "no" to something I really wanted.  Numerous times at Starbucks I said "no" to my soy chai latte and breakfast sandwich or a scone, instead having tea.  (I love those scones!)  One of the biggest things was not eating cherry pie after my writer's group meeting.  It was my first time with the group and meeting the hostess.  I turned down her cherry pie.  Cherry pie is my favorite dessert of all!   But, I turned down an offer of food at the home of a person I just met, pushing aside all worries of being polite and doing what was best for me.  Amazing.  I have grown.
I have always said I lack all discipine.  Well, when I look at situations like this, it blows my definition of myself as a person without discipline right out of the water!  I DO have discipline.  I just don't always use my ability to discipline myself in the situations that might be helpful to me.  I need to think more on that and figure out why that is.
So, on the whole, how was the 15 day juice fast?  It was okay.  My energy level waned significantly during the time I was on antibiotics, but overall my energy was fine due to the greens, I imagine.  I had a few days of detoxing which gave me a headache and made me dizzy.  I slept well during the fast.  If I am really hungry, I can't sleep.  I felt hungry the first few days, but not super hungry the rest of the fast.  On some days, I felt a like there was a hole in the pit of my stomach to be filled, which I knew was hunger for food, but it wasn't uncomfortable and didn't take up all my mental or emotional space.
I think one of the biggest benefits of the fast, other than losing 13 pounds (YAAAAY!!!), are the facts that: #1 never again can I say I don't have discipline, that crutch is gone, and #2 I am now more aware of my food related desires and my actual needs.  I have always been pretty mindful and aware of myself, I am pretty self observant, but I am now aware at a new level.  I will be using my new self awareness in my daily life.
The third benefit, and definitly a big benefit, is that I hurt so much less.  Fibromyalgia pain is always present.  It never goes away, ever.  To hurt less is a gift!  I had that same gift when I was a raw vegan.  This tells me, and it is part of my new self awareness, that I am not eating as many raw fruits and veggies as I need to eat.  I have been complacent.   I will take better care of my nutrition in the future.  I will also do mini-fasts in the future on a regular basis.  I might do a 3-day fast every month, for example.  I will also be juicing every day.  You can actually feel a bit of a buzz when you drink a good green juice, a bonus.
If you want some information about the juice fast, leave me a comment.  I welcome comments, so please feel free to share your thoughts.
Now, go get yourself a juicer!  LOL
All the best to you and yours.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How Julie Andrews Saved My Life

Julie Andrews saved my life, super indirectly.  More accurately, it is optimism that has saved my life.  Optimism is what Julie Andrews portrayed as Maria in Sound of Music.  I really love the whole movie, but one of my favorite parts is when she sings My Favorite Things.  I woke up this morning with the song in my head and found the scene on YouTube:

Let's face it.  Life isn't fair. There are times when life just sucks, no doubt about it!  But we can look to the good in life and know that things aren't always shitty and at some point you will smile again, even if things aren't going along swimmingly.

One of the worst times in my life was when I first got fibromyalgia.  I. Was. Miserable!  Lying in bed all the time because you are too tired and in too much pain to move is more than miserable. I had no pain medication at that time and had no idea for months what was wrong with me.  The doctor I had at the time ordered blood test after blood test, $15,000 worth of them.  I had no insurance and had to run up the balance on my credit card.  I also did not have a steady job.  I had been trying to build my life coaching business and had been doing some freelance paralegal work on the side, along with giving some Reiki treatments.  I had little money coming in and the work I did have to do was grueling just because I was exhausted and in unrelenting pain.  I was scared, too, because the doctor was testing for all kinds of cancers and diseases to find out what was wrong.  She wouldn't give me any pain meds because she didn't know what was wrong and she was afraid I would get addicted. I told her I was willing to take the chance, but she let me down, big time!!!

I could have willed myself to death, which I tried off and on when the pain was at its most unbearable, but I kept my wits about me, as difficult as it was.  Thinking about better times (i.e. My Favorite Things) and reading Buddhist books about courage and staying in the moment kept me alive, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Now, I am not saying that all you need is optimism and all will be candy and roses.  Nope.  Sorry.  It isn't always easy to change your attitude.  I have been in some dark places, the type that need medication.  (If you need medication GET IT!)  Fibromyalgia and depression go hand in hand, and I had been depressed even before fibro came into my life.  I've made friends with depression out of necessity.  Chronic pain or illness of any kind is depressing.  You can't help but feel it every now and then.  What I am saying is that you can enjoy your life more by doing your best to concentrate on the good in your life, right now in this moment.  If you can't find any good, think of the past or imagine your happy future.  There were days I had to start small.  I was grateful because I had clothes to wear and a car.  My electricity was on and I had a TV I could watch.  I had more than one pair of shoes.  We are so much more fortunate than we realize!  If you aren't naturally optimistic, or even if you are, begin keeping a gratitude journal to get in the habit of recognizing what you are grateful for each day.

So next time you are at the bottom of a hell hole.  Think of your favorite things, sing the song, celebrate the moments in your life, get yourself out of your prison.  Find your joy and live it.

'Til next time...What are your favorite things?  Tell me about them in the comments below.


My top 10 favorite things, in no particular order:
1. My family and friends (husband and dogs naturally included!)
2. My body (it is AMAZING how it does so much for me!)
3. Being outside and doing outside things like hiking and sitting on a rock in the sun
4. Reading and Writing (too intertwined to not be the same)
5. Reading/learning more about Buddha and Buddhism and applying it to my own life
6. Knitting and other crafts
7. Travel
8. Our RV
9. Ghost hunting
10.The sun and seeing how it lights everything up and feels so nice and warm all at the same time
11. How the seasons change and express themselves (Could not keep it to 10 things!)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dad

Hello blogland peeps!  I actually started this post on March 4, my dad's actual birthday, but there were things I wanted to say that I hadn't yet written.  The post didn't feel quite "right."

March 4 would have been my dad's 79th birthday.  He left this world in 1995, at the age of 60, way too soon.  I miss him every day, and talk to him all the time. Of course, I don't recieve much in the way of words in return, but the feeling of his presence is enough.  It's enough because I know he is in a good place, and not the sick body he left on this earth.

Me and Dad at Hoover Dam 1965
My dad loved the outdoors, especially wildlife, and volunteered building habitat for bighorn sheep; music, big band, country, classic rock, jazz and blues; laughing, he loved the show Laugh-In and the Smothers Brothers; work; and he loved his family.  He was proud of his family and what he, and we, accomplished.  He was also a person who wanted to be in control of things, yet he had no control over much of anything, not even himself or his own body, the last four years of his life.

In those last four years,  he was almost completely blind and wasn't well.  He couldn't drive or do the things most of us take for granted.  He wasn't the muscular, strapping young man my mom married, nor was he the strong, able man that I had known most of my life, he had wasted away to no more than what looked like 100 pounds.  His 5'10" frame had shrunk to no taller than 5'8".  He looked nothing like himself.  He was too sick to enjoy his life.  I'm sure he had moments of happiness, but I feel like the joy in life was sucked out of him (and literally, while he was having dialysis).   His last years were filled with diabetes, blindness, kidney failure and 3 times a week dialysis, mini-strokes, etc. He put on a brave face and made the best of things, as was his nature, but it was nothing but a shitty existence, not a life.  He was forced to let go of much of what defined him as a man, to people he knew and to himself.

One day in August 1995, Dad took control and decided no more.  He said "no" when his doctor told him he needed a new shunt for the dialysis; the old one wasn't going to work much longer. My dad got his affairs in order and let go of his earthly existence in September.  Once he made his decision, he became himself again.  It had been years since I had seen him happy and at peace.  He wasn't afraid.  I think he was actually a better version of his old self, the self he was meant to be.  It felt like he was free, liberated from concern of the worldly crap in which we can all get trapped.  I felt like he was more interested in things I think he would have been interested in had he not been so involved in work all the time.  It isn't that I don't understand why he was at work all the time, but I wish he would have had more balance in his life.  I think he would have been healthier and could have been here now had he instead taken better care of himself.   I always imagined he would enjoy reading more, something he did very seldom, except for the Sunday newspaper and a little National Geographic, and more traveling, because he was so curious.  During the last conversations we had, he asked me about some of the things I had read and studied. He took the time to ask me what I thought about things other than my job.  He wanted to know about the things that made my life worth living.

His memorial service was very well attended and I learned some things about my dad that I wish HE had told me, things he did in his life, awards he had earned, and jobs he had had.  Days after the service,  I heard that some people were upset because my brother and I weren't upset enough at his passing, not crying and such.  We were smiling and happy because, for one reason, so many people had come to say goodbye to our father. That said a great deal about who he was and how well- loved and respected he was.  Secondly, Dad was free and at peace!  He chose what he wanted on his own terms and we (or at least I, I can't really speak for my brother, but I think I know him well enough to do so in this case) were happy for him being out of the crappy body that had been his prison on this earth, the body that had left him a shell of the man he once was.  He chose to die with dignity.  He did things his way.  For once in a long time he was back in control.
If I were him, I would have done the same thing.  I would not want to continue like he had continued.  Existence isn't a life.  I know that things can really go wrong with our bodies and our minds, and accidents happen.  It is important that we tell the people we love that we love them, to not take others for granted, to not leave things unsaid and unforgiven, and we have to LIVE every day.  None of us want to simply exist, that really isn't a life.

When I think of my dad I think of the good things.  We were a great deal alike, both of us brave and optimistic.  One day we went up to the mountains for a picnic and it started raining. Dad suggested we have our picnic in the car.  There was no disappointment, no feeling that the day was ruined.  We still had our picnic.  We both loved the outdoors, camping, hiking and being in the wild.  I would have loved to share my home in Tahoe with him.  He would have loved it!  We might have camped and gone out on a boat, which he liked to do.  (He would have marveled at the extent of my camping equipment, nearly every comfort of home including a propane shower.)  I would have loved to tell him about our trip to Peru, hiking the Incan Trail to Machu Picchu, and all the places I will go and things I will do in the future.

I remember lying on the floor in front of the stereo and enjoying music together.  I was daddy's girl, but I was still very independent.  I still am!  He told me I could do whatever I wanted to do and be whatever I wanted to be.  I felt I could have confidence in myself and my abilities.  Even now, nothing really worries me, but I know he worried and never expressed it.  That was the biggest difference between us, he worried and did not express his feelings, except for love for his family.  He might have been healthier if he would have had faith that everything would be okay and had talked about his feelings, but nothing can be done about that now.

There are things Dad did of which I am in total awe!  He was an Eagle Scout, and I am sure that accomplishment was well deserved.  Out in nature, I never saw him afraid of anything, not even rattlesnakes.  When he was in college and on summer breaks, he collected Grand Canyon's rattlesnakes, for Northern Arizona University, to be milked for venom.  People survived rattlesnake bites because my dad collected those snakes and NAU made antivenom. That's pretty cool!  He was also a survival trainer, teaching people how to survive on Wheeler Mountain in New Mexico.  He was a determined man, building a family business that allowed him to be a good provider for our family, even after he passed.

His love of animals showed when one day he brought home a 6-month old puppy.  The little dog, a black and white peekapoo we named Pepper, was pregnant.  He had a job installing insulation at the animal shelter and Pepper was to be euthanized that day.  Nobody wanted a pregnant little dog, but he could not let her die.  (My grandparents and Dad's sister's family took the puppies.)  Pepper was the sweetest thing and a member of our family for about 15 years.  Even though all of us were allergic to her and she shed all over the place, she lived in the house where she belonged.  For her to live outside would have been cruel.  All dogs, and little dogs, especially, need to be inside with their family. 
We also had a black and tan hound, Pete, that the landlord would not let us keep at the house we rented.  Dad took him to the family business and he was a guard dog.  I'm not sure how good a guard dog Pete was.  He probably wouldn't have done much but lick someone to death. Dad built Pete a good-sized, insulated house with a heater for the winter and a nice fan installed for the summer, it even had a porch overhang so he would always have access to shade. I know Dad would have rather had Pete home with us.  One summer our family went away for the weekend and Dad put his manager in charge of feeding and caring for Pete while we were gone.  The dumbass (the absolute kindest name I have for this scum of the earth), locked Pete, who was now old and deaf, outside the office yard. Giving him food and water for a couple days was, apparently, asking too much.  He was fired immediately!  (YAY, but that wasn't enough punishment for me!)  We never saw Pete again and, to this day, I wonder what happened to the sweet, old boy.  As I write this I have tears in my eyes. That was about 35 years ago.
One night we went out looking for a Siamese cat someone had abandoned in the desert. Dad had seen her that day and knew she needed a home.  All four of us crowded onto the seat of the pickup and rode across the desert until we found her, brought her home and named her Duchess. She was skittish at first and was an ankle-biter, but when you give an animal a home, it becomes a member of your family, forever.   The ankle-biting faded out eventually, and she was just a sweet kitty.  We found out we were all allergic to cats, too!  Duchess was really full of love and followed me to the bus stop every day, and even watched over Pepper when she got spayed.  She wanted to be a mostly outside cat, but she came inside whenever she wanted to. We always had animals, including dogs, cats, fish, and gerbils.
Like my dad, I am determined.  I also love my family, animals, the outdoors and doing things that other people would think very brave, or even insane. Like Dad, I measure the risks against my abilities and how likely the risks are to cause a problem. I am a responsible adrenalin junkee!

Dad would have been proud of my brother for the man he has become, and of me, too.  He would have been happy for us and our happiness in life.  Knowing that makes me happy.  He knew my husband, George, when we were kids and I know he would have loved and respected the man George became.  He would have laughed with and loved my brother's wife, and her, and now my brother's, child. He would have delighted in being a grandfather and would have wanted to play and have fun with his grandkids.

I don't really have much of a point to this post, like I often do with my other posts.  I was just thinking of my dad during his birthday month and wanted to share about him from my perspective.  I hope you enjoyed the post and it gives you the incentive to hug your parents and let them know how you feel about them, and work out anything that you need to work out.  (I do realize that isn't always possible!)  Take the time to laugh with them and share some quality moments.  Once they are gone, a part of you goes with them, and a part of them stays with you. Hm.  I guess I found a point to, probably, the longest blog post I've ever written!

Love and blessings to you all!
P.S. I don't know why Blogger wouldn't let me caption the second photo, but it is me and my brother, with Duchess and Pepper, Christmas 1975.  I also tried to add another photo, a family picnic in the desert from 1965.  Go figure. :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hatred and Love

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule. - Buddha.

Buddha was a prolific thinker and observer of the human condition and behavior, and he was right on.  He was a kind and compassionate man who probably said little that he didn't mean, speaking mindfully and thoughtfully.  The above is one of my favorite quotes.

As happens to everyone at one time or another, many times over, my mettle was tested this past week.  A tenant of mine moved out on Thursday, 13 days past the time he originally said he would, and twelve days after I re-rented the condo.  It was a monumental mess, much of which was attributable to the fact that the kids, and I mean adult kids, got a puppy that they weren't supposed to get, and that nobody, apparently, taught them how to clean up a house or bacon grease.  I had about 48 hours to clean up the mess and make the place liveable for my new tenant and her children.  At the time I knew it was possible with a great deal of work on the part of my husband and myself.  I would have rather had Valentine's Day on Friday than be cleaning and painting in torn and stained sweats.  We did finish, and my new tenant and her children seemed genuinely happy with their new home.  Whew!  Crisis averted!  (Cue "We Are the Champions" by Queen...)

While I am far from perfect, I feel I have made some progress in my spiritual evolution.  This was evident to me the past few days, in particular.  When you are cleaning and painting alone in a room, you are alone with your thoughts, and I was feeling very thought-filled.  I could easily have backslid into despair and anger.  Instead, every time I thought of my old tenants (only one of which remained in the end) and what a mess the place was, and the money I am owed, I countered these thoughts with those of making the place nice for my new tenants.  I countered hatred with love and it worked!

I am not to the point of actually feeling love for my old tenants, which would be more to the point of the quote, but you have to start somewhere.  Today I am feeling less angry and more neutral.  Progress!  The way we think of "love" isn't going to happen and I don't think it that is really the point.  Even though I still have some anger, I do wish them all well, which is pretty good.  I think Buddha's idea of love for them would be to have compassion and understanding, just nothing negative.  That is something I can do.  Buddha never asked us to "love," live with or even be friends with everyone, but to be compassionate and understanding.  Negative feelings are harmful to our bodies, minds and spirits.

While I was able to counter hatred (though I've never felt "hatred" for them) with love, I still have the need to teach them a lesson.  I am out $1,000 and two days of my life; the physicality of which has put my fibromyalgic body into a quite painful state.  Karma isn't up to me, but maybe teaching them a lesson by lovingly sending a bill and making certain it is paid, legally certain if need be, is actually being compassionate.  If I can help them learn a lesson, it may be taught more gently than another would teach.  Who knows.  They are definitely getting a bill!

It is likely this isn't the only time I have done this, but it is the time in most recent memory.  What if we all learned how to do this?  What would our lives be like?  I think we would be a much happier species.  That was Buddha's greatest desire, to find a way for us as humans to not suffer, and suffering is something humans are very good at!

I believe part of love is understanding.  We don't have enough love OR understanding in our world today, and I am as "guilty" of this as anyone else, though some are more "guilty" than others, for sure.  (Look out, "judgmental me" just jumped out.)  I think we NEED love and understanding if we are to survive ourselves and others.

I often find myself wondering why we aren't more curious about one another.  Other than the fact that many people think they are too busy to think of people and lives other than their own, I think many people are trapped by fear of other people and other ways of thinking.  I think this is at the core of all our world's problems, and is the core of solving all our world's problems.

What if we spoke with one another with the understanding that we aren't the same, and with the belief that we don't have to be.  It seems one human condition is to believe that we are "right," but that shouldn't make it wrong to be "wrong," just different.  Are these thoughts just a broader extension of keeping up with the Joneses?  Is that why we aspire to cookie cutter lives and cookie cutter jobs and cubicles and offices and belongings and etc., and laugh and push away from anyone who doesn't "fit" into society's little mold?  Is this why we are afraid to express our own opinions, or to be ourselves?  How can a person love oneself if one can't openly be oneself?  And who has the mental energy for all that crap????  (I don't.)

Is this why we have such a difficult time loving and accepting ourselves?  As a yoga teacher, and a Buddhist, for that matter, one of our primary jobs is to love and accept ourselves, and to then love and understand, and help, others.  While I am a optimistic person, some may say too optimistic but they are wrong (haha), that isn't what I see in many others, and I feel sorry for those people.  They don't seem to understand that what they think and do to others, they are thinking and doing to themselves.  They don't understand that we are all connected.  What you reap you sow, in thought and word and deed.  That is another one of those eternal rules.

I think I coulld write on this topic forever, but I am going to stop.  I have given myself much to think about, and probably to write about in the future.  Have I given you something to think about?  Tell me in the comments, below of course. ;)

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hi there blog, it's good to see you...

Hello all of  you in blogland. I looked out my kitchen window this morning and saw one of my favorite things, my garden Buddha.  Here is a photo I took later in the day when I had time and was outside. When I saw it two hours earlier, it was lit by the sun and had a pointy snow hat. I love this version nonetheless. (Picture my big smile.)  I LOVE this Buddha!  It tells me to breathe when I have forgotten and always brightens my day whenever I see it.  It helps to remind me of who I am.  I am a Buddhist. I am on the Buddhist path. I meditate in front of it in the warmer weather, and contemplate my life.  It is a reminder of all things good in the world.   I mean, really, who could not feel good and serene looking at this out the window on any type of day?

Today I attended a webinar on using social media to build your business.  Of course, blogging was on the agenda!  As a result of what I learned, I won't try going back to blogging every day for all my blogs.  I have a few of them and each has a different purpose. That is too much pressure!  If I can write one post every day, Monday through Friday, I can post every week in each one without the pressure.  I will even be able to get ahead and schedule posts in advance!  So....that is what I am going for.

I will, however, even if not writing a blog post, continue to write every day, and knit, too, of course. Writing and knitting are two of the things I enjoy the most.

For some more news from my heart, here is what I wrote last night.  (I copied it over from another program, and I don't know how to get rid of the white background.)

"I have not blogged for a very long time. The reason I stopped blogging is because I was being stalked on the internet. It was very stupid and it made me very angry. I didn't stop because I was hiding anything, I wasn't, but because I did not want innocent people to be hurt. My words, while not even applying to this person or a particular situation, were twisted and used to hurt and harass others. VERY uncool!

This has cost me so much that I don't really know how to express it. One thing it cost me was my ability to manage my time, which has cost me more than lost time. (If my stalker reads this, I am sure she will be happy. Well, BFD to you, I am SO much more. Neener neener!)

I had blogged every day for nearly two years, and, for much of the time, I did it across five different blogs. It was part of my daily plan and I enjoyed it. I'm a writer at heart. I now feel a strong need to get back some of those daily habits that I used to have - the habits that I dropped because of someone else. Well, I just no longer give a damn! I will be silenced no longer!  I will regain the life that I had before this person came into it and took away my voice. Correction, before I allowed this person to take away my voice, even though I let it go for a good reason. Please be patient with me as I try to regain what I have lost.

So, what is going on with me right now in my life? I am decluttering my house. I found some daily questions that I asked myself every morning before my workday. The first question is, 'What am I grateful for?'  I believe strongly in the positive power of gratitude.  The first thing that comes to my mind is something that is just fun to use, the voice recorder function on my smartphone. Because of this function, I am able to write my blog post while I declutter a drawer in my nightstand. This is pretty cool! But, alas, it isn't really very deep.

Much deeper then my voice recorder program is the fact that I am really quite happy with my life. I have a wonderful husband, doggies that I love very much, a reasonable level of health and adequate finances to pay for my needs and some of my wants. I am also grateful, very grateful, for my introspective nature and my chosen faith, which informs absolutely everything I do, or at least that is a great big goal of mine. As a human being, I am not perfect. If I were, I would be even better than Buddha himself. I don't believe that will happen anytime soon. LOL

There are two more daily questions, which I will blog about in a future entry.

There are two things I used to write about in my journal every night, five things I was grateful for that day and five things I could acknowledge myself for that day. That was a powerful practice. I will be writing in my journal again tonight."

Thank you for your kindness and support.

Now, what are YOU grateful for?  Post a comment!