Howdy all of you in internet land,
I got up at 8:00 for a 9:00 appointment with my trainer, Norman. EGAD! That was a bit tough. I am still a little fatigued from yesterday, though I was asleep by 11:30. I'm so not a morning person. But, actually, I've gotten up early all week, a good start for a new habit. As long as I get enough sleep, about 9 hours a night, I'll be okay. I'm doing a 90 day meditation challenge with Tricycle magazine, so maybe I can figure a way to get the bedtime hours into a challenge, as well. Hm. I'll have to think on that one!
When Norman got to my house, I told him I hadn't done any cardio time on the Gazelle for a few days, so I did 40 minutes cardio and 20 minutes of strength training while he was here. I noticed that, while I am definitely working out, the movement is getting easier. Norman says I am an athlete now (because of the work/training I've been doing) and that's why I am feeling much more comfortable during movement. It was markedly easier, even though I was working hard. (Hey hey, I'm an athlete! That feels great to say.)
There is a bunch of ice at my doorstep because the icicles above my door have been melting in this nice warm, sunny weather we've been having. The ice slopes down toward the door and, though I keep putting ice melt there, twice I've slipped and fallen face-first into the door. That's what today's haiku is about. Not too exciting, but I haven't yet figured out how to be eloquent, and write something of substance, every day!
Warm wet then freezes
Slippery slippery slide
Wham, into the door
My friend, Michele, came over today and we took everything out of the pantry and noticed more mice poop!!! We put some things back into the pantry, but anything with a cardboard box or in a bag we put into the oven. (I bought some thick plastic containers to put stuff in that I'm going to take care of before I go to bed.) We cleaned up the poop and I went to teach two classes and when I came home, there was more poop! And, the paper had been torn off a can we put into the pantry. I'm going to scream!!!
Today I was reading in one of my Buddhist daily meditation books and found this quote by Thich Nhat Hanh from his book
Buddhist Peacework.Adopting the practice of generosity and loving-friendliness one day a week or once a month or once a year or periodically is not enough. We should practice these virtues throughout our lives in order to help ourselves and others have peace. These practices are not restricted to saints, far and above the hearts and minds of human beings. These practices are the guidelines for peaceful living among ordinary people.I think that is so true, and not just for Buddhists, but for everyone. Imagine if everyone thought that way. I'm challenging everyone who reads this to smile at someone, generously and with loving-friendliness, at least once every day for a week and see how you feel at the end of the week. I'll just bet you will feel more peaceful. Don't you think?
Time for me to go....
In peace,