Monday, June 21, 2010

So What If You Are Different?

Hello Friends in Blogland,

Wow. I'm not exactly sure what I want to blog about today, but stick with me and I'll figure it out. I've been feeling a little blah all day; I think I'll blog in purple and a fancy font.

I got a bunch of work done today, even had a client call, which was good! While I was inside working, George was outside planting flowers for me. He did a FANTASTIC job! I'll see if I can post some photos tomorrow. I need to get some more flowers, but my "yard" is nearly finished being decorated for the summer season. It's great to get a hot cup of tea, and go outside to meditate as a nice start to your day, particularly when surrounded by so much natural beauty. Few things are that inspiring.

I just opened my trusty meditation book to find the following quote by Jae Woong Kim from "Polishing the Diamond."

When someone asks you a question, answer him or her sincerely and when you are not asked, do not force your teaching upon others.

Well. That says a great deal for many people to hear. I am assuming that, since you have come to my blog today, you want to know what I have to say. In effect, you are asking what I think, so I'm going to tell you.
You may have noticed that I am a Buddhist. As a Buddhist, I get a lot of questions about Buddhism, and I get to hear what other people's religious beliefs are. I don't mind answering questions, and I sometimes ask other people questions, as well. I answer the questions the best way I know how to answer them, as plainly and correctly as possible. If I don't know, I say that I don't know. Some questions are more complicated than others, so I try to give the best explanation using the simplest terms I can. I figure that if someone wants a complex answer, he or she will ask more questions. It is not my "job" to persuade anyone how to think. I enjoy discussing religion, faith and beliefs. I have all of those and they are very important to me! I don't know how I could live my life without those things. They are the biggest part of me.

I am sometimes told all about why I should have a different belief. That's okay, unless it gets excessive. I begin doubting a person's real beliefs when they get waaaay to fervent and ferocious in their commentary (and I'm not one to take things personally). I feel like they are trying to convince themselves how they feel and think, and not trying to convince me at all.

But here's the thing, I don't really care what other people think, so I don't understand why they have to be so vocal in telling me what they think and why I should think the same way. Let's get one thing straight. I am a kind, compassionate, and loving person. I live by the Golden Rule. I wish only the best for all, and no ill for any person, even many of those who maybe, by our society's standards, I probably should. I will not change and I harbor no judgment of others who think differently. If anyone out there in internet land wants me to change my mind, just forgive me and move on so we can have a nice lunch. Okay?

H.H. Dailai Lama says that Buddhism is not for everyone, and I believe all religions are that way. It is just like being a doctor, a writer, a teacher, or a monk or nun is not for everyone. I am vain enough to dye my hair, but not enough to get a facelift or lipsuction, though it might help with the tummy bulge I have even when I am "skinny." Some people get their butt fat injected into their lips or cheeks, but think salt and pepper hair is just fine. So, even plastic surgery and hair dye isn't for everyone! As long as good grooming is still "in," I will be happy.

I guess the most important thing is to not apologize for simply being just who you are, feel free to tell anyone who asks what you think about anything you are comfortable talking about, let people have the respect due them when their opinions don't match up with yours, and just love and appreciate yourself for being who you are. Doesn't that sound like the start of a happy, harmonious world?

Now go out there and be the best "you" that "you" can be!

Your Very Buddhist friend,

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Jun-ri! Wish the majority of the world thought that way. This would be a more pleasant earth....
